Saturday, April 30, 2011

High School

Junior High was lots of sex and drugs for me (I was a prostitute and I sold Pot out of my locker during 7th and 8th grade). For most of those 2 years it was just my mom and myself (and the random guy she would have living with us). My mom worked nights at a truck stop and money was really scarce. I was doing pretty good in the money department (I often had more cash than she did since my two jobs paid much better than hers). Sometimes I would even stick cash in her purse where she would just think she had a better night at work than she remembered.
High School was really differnt for me, I was really coming into my own. It was a pretty small school so not to many clicks.
I stilled spend my extra time walking the streets for money and love/attention....
My grades start to climb and get get and better and I start to get more and more popular..
But by my junior year I started having some pretty serious bouts of depression. I was no longer walking the streets but was having LOTS of casual sex with anyone who was interested.
My junior year was also when I started having pretty serious thoughts of no longer wanting to live.
One time I drank 2 bottles of cold medicine and tied my self up in a extra large trash bag. My thinking was the cold meds would put me to sleep and I could suffocate in the trash bags. Of course it didn't work and I cried my self to sleep begging GOD to not let me wake up.
I would say I tried various versions of this over the next couple of years and even ended up in the in the ER a few times. My parents always reacted to this with me just being spoiled and trying to get attention.
At this stage in the game there was NO talk of any of the abuse (sexual or otherwise) in the family.

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