Thursday, April 30, 2009

Well, I had to get off the couch today and be productive. My kid had a couple of doctors apts so cleaned myself up and set off to get things done.
I thought my driving was pretty good but the family informed me that I should prob. stay close to home for a few more days. We'll see.
I just can't tell you have good I feel. Still no pain and really not even any discomfort. I still don't have enough energy to go back to work but if I worked a desk job I really think I could do it. I have a week and a half to go though before I can go back (doctors orders).
Today I had chicken salad for dinner and tuna salad for lunch. Both were fantastic and I was full after about 3 tablespoons full.
The weather here has been nice temps but rainy so not much happening outside. I've been putting my Netflix subscription to the limits.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

next phase

I just got home from the doctor and the last of my tubes removed. I have a bit of an infection at 3 of my cut sites and was put on meds for that. I don't think it's anything to big.
I am down 45lbs today from 3 weeks ago. Very cool. I won't in any way say it's been a hard week (it was WAY easier that I thought it would be), but I can tell I'm getting tired of being tired. I know all I need is time and I do have time. I've been doing my daily walk around the block and started cooking dinner for the family. I haven't taken anything for pain in several days now and I have to say I'm amazed that physically I feel good. My only complaint is that I have no energy.
I have been able to do more ready and computer play though. ha ha

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm home...

I had my weightloss surgery at 11am this past Monday morning and after 3 days in the hospital I cam back home yesterday evening. I will say that I'm in a bit more pain that I was expecting, but that is what the pain pill are for. I came home with a bottle of Perkaset and a Morphine pump that went straight into my stomach and a fairly large drain tube in the stomach also. I just tool out the morphine pump myself about an hour ago (it was kind of cool, it just slid out with out any feeling at all. There's still a small hole though were it came out).
I'm on a Bariatric phase 2 diet (liquids that can go thru a strainer). I got up at 5;30am this morning (I am having a very hard time sleeping for any lenght of time) and had about 3 teaspoons of sugar free yogurt and my stomach felt very distended. I laid back down until 10am and then got up and had a 5 oz protein shake. Then for lunch I had 5 ozs of chicken broth with protein powder added. Tried to set out on the patio for awhile (can't concentrate enough to read my book yet), made it about an hour an then came back in for an hour nap. Got up and took my first shower since the surgery (yes I was smelly). I set up and was able to read my book for about 45 mins and then ate dinner with the family (I had 2 ozs of yogurt and they had spicy turkey helper).
I go back to the surgeon next Tuesday to check for a gut leak and to have my drain removed. I can start driving then if I'm off the pain pills (I can take one every 4 hours and I've only had one today all day). I still need them more at night but as long as I go easy in the day time my bouts of pain seem to pass fairly fast.
I am so happy to be this far along with the process and can't wait to see how I feel next week.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A New Day has come

My stomach is churning, some from nerves some from hunger. I just can't believe the time has come. In 12 hours I will be laying on the surgeons table and my new life will begin. I have never been a real "time" person and this is the perfect example. I have been complaining for months now about how long this process is taking and now all of a sudden the time is here.
I've lost 20lbs on the pre-surgery diet in the last 2 weeks and I'm ready for the rest to leave me.
My partner and I went to our first "support group" this past week. It is a pre-surgery requirement and I put it off to the last minute because I was kind of dreading it and it turned out to be an amazing thing. The doctor should film a group session and use it as part of this recruiting. The group opened with all the post-ops going around the room saying their name, how long ago they had their surgery and the total amount of weight they have lost. One lady had lost 500lbs and several people had lost 300lbs each. The nurse told us at one point the group had added up how much they had lost total and it was over 1/2 ton. The pre-ops were given 1hour to ask questions of the post-ops and they were very eager to share with us. I just can't describe how inspiring the whole thing was.
My last day at work was Saturday and I don't go back for 3 1/2 weeks. I'm actually more nervous about that than I am about why I'll be off work.

Monday, April 13, 2009

One week to go

I just can't believe that it's down to my last week of waiting. 7 days from now I will see if it was all worth it. I have no doubt it will be. My 1400 calorie diet has been going ok. I've been useing the Lance Armstrong "livestrong" web site and the "dailyplate" to track my calories. And I've gone over 2 put of the last 7 days. So not bad I guess.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

18 days and counting

Oh my gosh! I can't believe that its only 18 days until my Weight Loss Surgery. I've been doing paper work out the waz-zoo. My job wants me to go on FMLA (I had planned on just using my vacation), and the last week I'm going to be off of the 3 weeks I'm going to be off work actually qualifies for Short Term Disability so I only have to use 2 week of Vacation pay. NICE!
I've been trying lost of protein shakes and finally settled on the first one I tried. My first case of protein powder came today from It actually taste pretty good. I also signed up for auto delivery of the many vitamins I will be taking from They have a pretty good deal if you sign up for auto delivery. So, I'm all set now for the big day.
I have stopped eating red meat and started drinking a protein shake a day. Next Monday I start my 1200 calorie a day diet. We are going to take all my before photo's this weekend and do my before measurements. I'm actually not looking forward to either of those.