Thursday, April 2, 2009

18 days and counting

Oh my gosh! I can't believe that its only 18 days until my Weight Loss Surgery. I've been doing paper work out the waz-zoo. My job wants me to go on FMLA (I had planned on just using my vacation), and the last week I'm going to be off of the 3 weeks I'm going to be off work actually qualifies for Short Term Disability so I only have to use 2 week of Vacation pay. NICE!
I've been trying lost of protein shakes and finally settled on the first one I tried. My first case of protein powder came today from It actually taste pretty good. I also signed up for auto delivery of the many vitamins I will be taking from They have a pretty good deal if you sign up for auto delivery. So, I'm all set now for the big day.
I have stopped eating red meat and started drinking a protein shake a day. Next Monday I start my 1200 calorie a day diet. We are going to take all my before photo's this weekend and do my before measurements. I'm actually not looking forward to either of those.

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