Friday, February 27, 2009

President Obama please stimulate me!

I got my pay stub today and was shocked to see that it was 1/2 of what it normally is. I work on straight commission (which I love, since I LOVE my job and have been the top "producer" in my group for at least the last 8 years. I had noticed that over the last few months I seemed to not be as busy as I used to be but really didn't think it would add up to my paycheck being half of it's normal. Right away I ask my manager to set down with me and go over my "numbers". She pulled my monthly numbers for all of '07, '08 and this year to date. And sure as shit starting about last year Sept. I've had a steady but slow decline of about 15 clients less per month. And for the current month of Feb. I'm only at half the amount of clients I had in Feb. of last year. I will start tracking individual clients now and see just who I'm not seeing.
I got a phone call from the surgeon's office yesterday saying that my health insurance wanted a 5 year date and weight. So I called my doctor and had it faxed over right away. This is the 4 week since my meeting with the surgeon and he said I should hear yea or nea withing about 4 weeks. Of course I'm thinking no news is bad news :((((
Our new puppy Lucy was spayed yesterday and she is doing fantastic. We actually had to put her in her crate this evening because she just wouldn't stop playing with one of the other dogs. The vet called today to remind us to keep her calm and NO playing even if she feels like it.
Anyway other than the money stuff, life is really going well. I'm SO ready for spring, please hurry up!


  1. I'll send good vibes to your insurance company! This will take some effort since they can be so frustrating! Anna

  2. Anna, thanks for the good vibes. It worked. Thank you very much.
